Western Wayne High School artists were thrilled to host their annual art show in the High School Gym on Saturday, May 14, after two years. The students were unable to have their show in 2020, and they held a modified version of it in 2021 in the high school library.
This year the students brought out all of their best work to showcase for their family, friends, and the community. Students in grades 9 through 12 had their artwork featured along with a few pieces from select 8th grade artists.
In addition, nine seniors had their artwork showcased in special displays of their own creation.
Senior Rebecca Boots’ exhibit theme was “Many Dreams, Little Nightmares.”
“This exhibit displays the mind of a teenage girl and her feelings that make no sense and have no correlation,” she explained. “My theme reflects my personal thoughts and feelings growing up as a teenager which is reflected in my work.”
Becca plans to attend Lackawanna College for nursing.
Fellow senior Vince Cistulli’s exhibit theme was “Horror.”
“I have pieces that are inspired from the typical horror clichés and stereotypes painted with a colorful twist,” he said. “Fear has been around since the dawn of time and it’ll never go away and the fact I can convey that in a particular style represents me.”
Vince’s goals post graduation are to either go to college for psychology or to work in the film industry.
Senior Ella Dougher has loved art since she was very young.
“Ever since I was younger, I always loved to draw and paint,” she explained. “Whenever I had free time, I would get my hands on something. My passion for art came from my mother and brother who are both talented artists.”
The theme of her senior exhibit was dreamlike and surrealistic.
Fellow senior B. Flannery has enjoyed art from a young age as well.
“My earliest art-making memory is drawing a pastel portrait of my sister and I in my 8th-grade art class,” B. explained. “I became interested in the arts because it helped me with my mental health. I was at a really low part of my life and I turned to music and art as an outlet.”
B.’s senior exhibit was based on fears.
Post graduation, B. will attend Marywood University to study vocal music therapy.
Senior Carleigh Galliford is another one of our artists who was inspired by her family.
“My mother is an artist and inspired me to become interested in the arts,” Carleigh explained. “I am also inspired by the emotions I feel dealing with mental health, leaving behind childhood and friendships, and being in nature.
The theme of Carleigh’s exhibit was “Self-Expression.”
After graduation, she will attend Marywood University to study music therapy.
Fellow senior Adelaide Treibley, like some of her classmates, was inspired to enjoy art in her younger years.
“My love for art began in elementary school,” Adelaide said. “Art was my favorite class, and I enjoyed the creative challenge of each new assignment.”
Her senior art exhibit theme was “Life and Nature.”
She will attend Moravian University majoring in chemistry in the fall.
Soon-to-be graduate Audrey Lawlor also had her creativity sparked for art as a child.
“My grandmother and my father have inspired me to pursue art as a subject of study in high school because they are both very talented and artistic,” she explained. “Growing up, my father was always sketching and drawing.”
Audrey’s post-graduation plans are to attend Duquesne University and study business.
Another one of our seniors also planning to attend Marywood University in the fall, is Delaney Valinski. She plans to study psychology.
One way she keeps down her stress level is through art.
“I enjoy creating and the stress relief it provides,” she explained. I also enjoy how creating helps bring me joy but what I create provides joy for others.”
Her senior collection was inspired by nature.
Finally, senior Lowen Weber’s display had the theme “Habits and Dependency.”
“My inspiration comes from allegorical stories, true crime, and personal life experiences,” Lowen explained.
Lowen’s goals after graduation are to take a gap year and save up to go to York College to study acting and illustration.
The Western Wayne School District congratulates all of the artists involved in this year’s art exhibit and wishes the seniors the best with their future plans.