The Western Wayne School District is extending the deadline for our surplus supplies, furniture, vehicles and equipment sale. This is due to the current school closure! A complete list of items and a Bid Form can be obtained by contacting the District Office at 1970C Easton Turnpike, Lake Ariel, PA 18436 or by calling 800-321-9973 option #5. Any questions regarding the items or to arrange an appointment, contact Joseph Dunda, Director of Buildings and Grounds, at 570-647-6241.
A bid form must be returned to Rose E. Emmett, Business Manager at the Western Wayne School District, 1970C Easton Turnpike, Lake Ariel, PA 18436 by 1 PM, Tuesday, April 28, 2020. The envelope should be sealed and marked “BID”.
Rose E. Emmett, Business Manager/Board Secretary